About Us
The Company was started in 1969 by the late Ernest John Holmes (Joe) on what was then the family farm and moved to it's current location in 1972. His son John took over the company in 1994 later assisted by his wife Debbie and on leaving school his two sons Darren followed by Michael, who like their father have been involved in the industry from a very young age.
Our aim is to produce a good sustainable product for our customers both here in the Uk and Europe. To keep going an age old industry which was once a big employer in the rural areas of the county. Keeping alive traditional skills and to ensure that our counties Chestnut Woodlands are correctly managed and maintained for future generations to work and of course enjoy.
We offer good opportunities for youngsters and anyone looking for a good skill and craft, passing on decades of knowledge and skills whilst working in some of the most beautiful woodlands. We coppice chestnut on some of the finest estates in the county. Our most famous is the Leeds Castle Estate, one of King Henry Vlll's favourite hunting estates situated in the heart of the Kentish countryside, who's chestnut woodlands we coppice every year.
We ourselves are situated in the heart of Kent, just 5 minutes from the main A20 and less than 10 minutes from junction 8 of the M20 making us very accessible for those customers who choose to collect from us.
We have been campaigning for several years now for the preservation of this age old industry which is under threat from fake foreign imports, along with the wider use of plastic fencing which may be a cheaper option, but it is not a safer option. We are trying to educate people further by pointing out the true benefits of using genuine chestnut products.
If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact us.